Thursday, August 24, 2006

Three Cheers For the Boys!

Cole is a walker!! His arms are still up in the air like a chimp but they are slowly making it down to his side. He is also trying to talk and blows the best kisses!

Logan is doing much better in school. In fact yesterday I went to pick him up and on the classroom door is always a posters explaining what the class did that day. And on this poster it said. Logan knew everything. It also said, Logan said everyone got stickers. Now this poster is for all the parents to read and it specifically acknowledged my child TWICE!! No other child was mentioned on this poster. I was so proud, I asked if I could take it home and they let me.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

What has gotten in to him?????

Logan has decided once again to be an exhibitionist in class. Yesterday Travis had to talk to the director of the daycare about it. She said that if Logan did it again they would have to call us to come get him. He got in trouble a couple of months ago for mooning the class with a couple of the other boys but this time is wasn't just his hynie, he was pulling down all of his pants. I gave him a stern talking to and I hope that was the end of it.

I really can't take time out of work to go and pick him up.

This kiddo is going to be the death of me! The age of three is the worst year yet! Attitudes, pants pulling down, fit throwing, when will it end?

Monday, August 07, 2006

Back to this reality we call life...

Yep my vacation is over!

It was WONDERFUL!!! Travis and I really enjoyed the mountains and the boys had fun with Gimmie and Daddo. We also got a new pet. A shermit crab, I mean hermit crab called Shermie! Logan LOVES the thing and he is HUGE! No kidding when he peaks out of his shell he is the size of my hand!

We also traded in my jeep cherokee for a TAHOE! A 2005 suped up pimp mobile. This thing has everything but the kitchen seat and 4 wheel drive! It has A/C in the back for the boys and a DVD player, can you say heaven?

But now I am back at work, trying to get back on task, such a hard thing to do!