Friday, February 20, 2009


Today at lunch we got a letter stating Logan didn't get in the Accel program. Everyone around us knows how gifted he is. He is Math and Science gifted but not think out of the box gifted, which is what this assessment required. It was the Cogat and KOI tests. The paper said we had 10 days to appeal.

I called the lady in charge at the school explaining my concerns and asked how likely the appeal would be to be overturned and said very unlikely. I am so upset. Logan is bored. He reads on a level 14. She says I have had kids in 2nd grade not reading in this program! WTF!! She says their ability to read has nothing to do with their giftedness... I am so frustrated.

Just because the kid can take popsicle sticks and build something... but they can't read...

We will not appeal. We will wait again till next year. Logan will continue to ace all of his work and at the end of the year I am going to ask his teacher to recommend him be placed in the Accel class. It is a cluster class. I have sneaky ways of getting past BS too!!!