Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I was fuming mad...

Yesterday when I picked up Logan from daycare.

He had the tummy virus Saturday night and into Sunday morning. So when I took him to school yesterday I said no milk today.

When I was buckling him in the car after daycare, he said I didn't have milk today at lunch, I said that is good, did you have water?

L: No I didn't have anything to drink until snack time.

WTH??? You don't give a kid who needs fluids anything to drink!!!

I asked him again, are you sure you didn't have water? He says no mommy and I was really thirsty.

It was too much of a hassle to get everyone unbuckled and back out of the car so I get on my cell phone to the director immediately. I was soooo mad. She said she would look into it.

Oh you should have seen how mad I was!