Friday, April 18, 2008

I mean seriously...

So the last two Thursday have been impossible as far as teaching class.

Last Thursday 5 min before class begins, a transformer blows and the who school loses electricity. GREAT! My students were just about to do a timed mid-term. We pack up and go home, no use in sitting in the hot, dark classroom.

They take the mid-term on Tuesday.

Last night as they begin their informative speeches we get a loud knock on the door and someone rudely says, "Evacuate to a safer part of the building."

So once again class is cancelled. We all then huddle in the bathrooms for 2 hours for heavy rain. This is an 8 week course and things have totally been thrown off schedule... I just don't think I am meant to teach on Thursdays!!

But as I am driving into Mansfield I enter winter wonderland. Check out the hail that fell at our house!