Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Can you say STRESSED!!!

That is me. I am so ready for the first half of summer to be over. I started my summer class last night that ends on June 29th. The prof hands our syllabus and I almost started crying!

We are required to read for every class, I can handle that, but we are also required to write a 2 page paper for every reading!! Hello, I am super busy writing 6 papers for my comps that are due July 6th. When I am going to find the time to read the chapters, write the papers, do 2 presentations and listen to an internantional radio station. And still be a mom and wife and good employee...

I know God will not give me more than I can handle but I think I am to my breaking point. AAAHHHHHHH...

And to top it all off, the boys were supposed to spend the week with my parents, Travis and I left Monday afternoon and came home. Well Logan started saying he wanted to go home so Mom drove them back last night... Travis and I were actually going to have a date tonight. NOPE... I guess it is good, since I have a million other things I need to do, but it would have been nice to be kid free so I could spend the evenings doing homework.

Also I leave for a conference on Friday and I am not back till Tuesday... Sleep, who has time for that???


Anonymous said...

You know that it will all work out and you will complete all of your tasks and still be a wonderful mom, wife and employee! Your family and friends believe in you, don't forget to believe in yourself!
Love you.