Tuesday, April 18, 2006

A much better Tuesday!

I got registered for my class this morning. There are only 5 spots left, so I did it in the nick of time!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Always Drama...

Well today is the day I am supposed to register to take my one class for grad school, not at the institution I am receiving my degree from. Sounds easy enough, right?


I am also an employee at this lovely institution and we are in the process of converting to a new data management system and for some wonderful reason, I can't be both and employee and a student.

So here I am needing to register, but don't have access to the student's screens needed to register. There are only 15 spots in the class, and 4 were already taken by 9 am!! I emailed our helpdesk, no response. I emailed the advisor for my department, no response. I even emailed the professor of the class, no response.

My graduating in December relies on the ability of me to take this class... UGH!!!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

And the bad mom award goes to....


Yesterday Logan asked for some milk so I grabbed a sippy cup out of the fridge. He drinks it. Then I take the lid off for him to get the very last of it. After the lid comes off he says, this cup smells funny. I said no it doesn't drink it anyway. Well he drank it, then handed me the cup. I then smelled it and it smelled sour. I threw it to Travis to smell because I have a sensitive nose and he doesn't. He says yep smells sour. I made my son drink spoiled milk... How mean is that. Luckily he didn't sick from it.

Then this morning we went to the donut shop. Logan picked out a milk and we got a donut. I get the boys to school and look at the expiration date on the milk 4/2/06. EXPIRED... I opened it and it didn't smell so I let him drink it. But explained to the teacher about the episode last night and today's milk and that he might have a upset tummy today. She just giggled and probably thought what a mean mom I was.

And last buy not least... My baby will be one in a month!!! Where has the time gone?