Monday, January 11, 2010

Great Movie!!

We saw a great movie over the weekend. Well actually 2. One had an awesome meaning and the other made your heart race and want to cheer at the TV... The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe can on and I watched it with the boys. It was great!! I had read the book many years ago when I was in school, had wanted to see the movie and now I am glad I waited to watch it with my kids. Follow the link and you will see why!

What are the Christian themes in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe?

The other movie I watched was Taken. Wow what a great movie. I only hope that if I was ever kidnapped someone would try that hard to find me!! This movie had me interested from the beginning. It was one I thought oh man another kidnapping movie. But think Boerne Identity all grown up!! EXCELLENT!!!