Tuesday, June 19, 2007

My kids are smart!!!

Ok, so I know every parent thinks this, but mine really are!

Logan is spelling and is so close to reading I can taste it. This boy can count and add and subtract. Before I know it he is going to be doing algebra!

I thought Cole was not going to be as brainy as his brother, but boy was I wrong. He just turned 2 in May and can count to 13!! WHAT!?! Also this boy is already recognizing letters and numbers. This weekend was my 10 year HS reunion (I will talk about it in another post) and we were driving the 5+ hours home and Logan had fallen asleep, I know shocking, and Cole wanted to watch this DVD that is just a bunch of babies holding letters. He wasn't even wearing the headphones and a letter would come on the screen and he would say it. I would look at the screen periodically to see if he was right and he WAS!! Then this morning, there was a puzzle piece on the floor of the number 8 and he picked it up and said eight. He is really amazing us!!