Tuesday, September 09, 2008

It went from bad to worse for me...

So yesterday around noon I started feeling AWFUL! I got the shakes like you wouldn't believe. I laid down in the back of my work for like forty minutes shaking like crazy then when I was as composed as I was going to get I left work and drove myself home, by the time I got there I had no feeling in my feet.

I grabbed a water because I felt super dehydrated, and just laid there. About an hour later I called Travis. He asked me if I had taken my temperature, I said no, I barely made it to the bed much less found the thermometer he told me to get up and it.

I did I had a slight temperature of 99.7. I took it about an hour later it and had gone up to 100.7. That is when the nurse at the Dr.s office called to confirm my appointment for today, of course I didn't say how bad I was feeling and said I will see you tomorrow.

Travis then came home and scolded me for not saying something. He told me to call them back. I did and told them what was going on. She relayed the info to the dr who said I needed to go ahead and come in today.

I did and guess what I have a slight infection and am now on some super strong antibiotics, hopefully I will be feeling better soon!!


Cate said...

Bummer. Hope you feel better soon. You will have to keep me updated on your Her Option procedure.