Monday, September 29, 2008

Update on us...

I am back to the land of the living. I have diverticulitis. I go back to the dr on Friday to talk about going to a gastroenternologist for a colonoscopy.. FUN...

Cole had his worst day at school ever on Friday. He was sent to the office 4 times. I got 2 calls and even had to talk to him on the phone. He bit someone too.

Logan is doing good.

Opening a new business is more stressful for Travis than he could ever imagine.

And to top it all off we went from a 2 pet family to a no pet family this weekend. Saturday night we had to take our dog to the emergency vet because the congestive heart failure had just gotten too bad. He was just suffering so much. And to add insult to injury Cole's hermit crab decided to die too. He molting last week and then yesterday came out looking for new shell. (There are 4 for in the cage) And then just gave up, dried up and died....