Monday, April 20, 2009

Can't catch a break...

Travis started his Allstate business in December and he has really been trying. Everyone knows how private he is. It must be really bad because he spoke up in Sunday School and put it on the prayer request list. Then today he let an employee go. I don't think he could pay her anymore. His boss person said that if he doesn't hit his numbers at the end of May he will have to close his doors. I know I should be freaking out but for some reason I am so calm and I don't know why.

All I ask from my 1-2 readers is prayers... Prayers that Travis is guided in the right direction. Even his own dad won't buy insurance from him because his policies cost more from the other guy. I mean REALLY you don't want to keep food on the table for your grandsons? Seems a little ridiculous to me... WHATEVER!

We just ask for prayers!