Thursday, July 10, 2008

3 times in a hour???

Cole did great at school today with potty training. They even got him in undies after nap. It was when he got home things when downhill. As soon as we got home I had him go potty.

We are sitting at the dinner table and he says I went teetee and yep he did. That was #1. I get him changed into a new pair of undies. About 20 minutes later he on the living room floor playing cars and pees again. It was a huge puddle this time. That was #2. I get him changed and the pee soaked out of our new carpet. Then I get him settled on the couch on top of a towel and his 3rd set of undies. He then says I need to go poop. (At least he tells us that!) Travis takes him to the potty and we realize that he has peed again. This is about 30 min after the 2nd pee. It was not a little puddle either. Thank goodness I had put down a towel!

Seriously who knew someone could pee so much!! I think it was the sippy of milk he had as soon as he got home from school. Gotta remember not to give him one of those while potty training. Easier said than done since this kid LOVES milk!!

So he went the majority of the day dry. Now my question is, does he get a stamp on the progress chart or not? I mean he did go most of the day, it was just the last 2 hours that were bad...


Cate said...

I would say if he goes in the potty at all he gets a stamp. Then the next week you can up the ante to more times in the potty to get the stamp. And so on and so on until he has to stay dry the whole day.
Potty training sucks ass.