Thursday, July 10, 2008

Does this seem right?

We are strapped for cash... I mean the rising gas prices. Travis changing branches and just my crappy salary make for us tight every month. But I really wanted the two of us to have a nice getaway weekend in San Antonio. He has never been and I found a great deal and booked it. Well it hit our credit card this last month Travis went crazy.

We can't pay that, you better call and cancel. Blah, blah, blah. I refused and said if we are so broke you do it. He never did, then we discussed the fact that we still had a gym membership that neither of us used and how that was going to waste and he should call and cancel that.

Well he was off work today because he will have to work this Saturday and I get an email from the hotel showing our trip in August has been cancelled. Totally disappointing. I talked to him once during the day and his sitting on his butt watching a movie.

Just I am getting the boys dressed for bed and he comes in his workout clothes and I ask him. Where are you going? He says to work out... I say you have all day to do that and you decide to do it now? I mean really?

Not only am I mad about the fact that he decides to go work out right now when he had literally ALL day to do it, but that is something we talked about cancelling because we are so freaking broke.

I am just so sick of this. If it something he wants then we have enough money, but anything I want, we are just to poor. Such a double standard!


Cate said...

i hear ya, sister. He balks at me getting my hair done but drops $250 on a Wii two weeks ago. I always feel bad because he works and I don't. But still, vacation sounds much better than working out :)