Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Seriously all events that have happened lately just seem strange. Last week I wrote on my purpose in life then I spent a weekend with a bunch of my friends from Sunday School and one of our first topics we discussed was Our Purposes in Life...

Then yesterday I posted about paying it forward or Random Acts of Kindness (RAK)ing. Not only am I having to read a book on it for a retreat I am going on for work next week call the Fred Factor. But it actually happened to us last night while we were waiting to get the boys hair cut.

This gentleman was paying and I guess he ended up having two coupons. And realized that the one he had left was going to expire at the end of the week and he wouldn't need it before it expired. We already had one coupon with us and were only going to get Logan's hair cut yesterday. Cole's really didn't NEED it, but could certainly USE the cut. But after the man hand us the other coupon which happen to be for considerably less than the amount for which I had a coupon for, I was completely grateful. Now I could get both boys a haircut.

That man didn't have to do that RAK, he could have just taken that coupon and thrown it away, but he didn't he gave it to us and made it possible for us to get both boys a haircut.

Remember you just never know what people are going through or how much one little coupon might change them!! Thank sir for that Great Clips coupon!!!